Thursday, September 1, 2011

A nerd joke

It's a mathematical joke about permutation and combination. My roommate didn't get it. He asked me to put it on my blog to see how many people can understand it. Hope you all understand it.

CAUTIOUS! What you are about to view have mature content that may not be appropriated for all guests.

Assume that God made N men and M women and observed their behavior of sexual intercourse.
To simplify it, we assume there is no reproduction caused by intercourse.
a) At the beginning, God observed "min{N, M}" ways of intercourse.
b) Then God observed "N*M" ways of intercourse.
c) After a while, God observed "C(N+M, 2)" ways of intercourse.
d) At last, God observed "2^(N+M) - (N+M) -1" ways of intercourse.

Personally, I think this joke is very incisive. It's hard to understand but you will sense its humor and sarcasm after you understand it.

Did you get it? Yes? Good!

If you can't understand it, it's OK. Let me explain it to you, even though it will be less funny if someone explains it to you. The humor comes along with satisfactions and achievement of figuring it out on your own. This is, probably, why it is nerdy, because only nerd guys enjoy solving difficult problems.


a) At the beginning, people advocated monogamy. Intercourse only happened between paired couples. So there were "min{N, M}" ways of intercourse.
b) Then they turned into polygamy. Each man and each woman would have intercourse. So there were  "N*M" ways of intercourse.
c) After a while, homosexual intercourse happened. Each random two people among N+M people would have intercourse. So there were "C(N+M, 2)" ways of intercourse.
d) At last, group sex happened. Everyone could be in or out of the group sex, then single person and no one were removed from the calculation, aka. masturbation and nothing. So there were "2^(N+M) - (N+M) -1" ways of intercourse.

Hopefully, you can all enjoy this joke.

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