Sunday, November 13, 2011

Boys' Day

November 12th is Boys' Day in my college, Tsinghua University. We made the day after Single's Day Boys' Day and the day before Women's day Girls' Day. Girls prepare a lot of amazing stuff for boys on Boys' Day and so do the boys on Girls' Day. Four years' college, four Boys' Days and four Girls' Day. All of those days are sweat memories lasting life long time. Now we have graduated and went to different place around China and America. But this still can's stop us to have a Boys' Day. Even just a greeting of "Happy Boys' Day" from classmates will bring up all those time we spend in college and how heartbroken we were in graduate season. Seeing the photo you girls holding words in different places around the world makes me miss you guys so much. I wish we could get together sooner. Can't wait to hear your adventures.

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